Exhibitor List
Company | Categories | Booth # | Website |
3 Blind Mice | Window Coverings | 752 | www.3blindmiceusa.com |
144 Square Feet | Outdoor Landscaping Design | 426 | www.144sqft.com |
Active Endeavors | Remodeling | 576 | |
Advanced Exteriors | Exterior Texture Coat | 722 | www.advancedexteriors.org |
Alive Solar and Roofing | Power/Solar | 567 | www.aliveindustries.com |
Aloft Remodeling | Remodeling | 358 | www.aloftremodeling.com |
American Built Tiny Homes | Tiny Homes | www.americanbuilttinyhomes.com | |
American Vision Windows | Windows / Doors | 500 | www.americanvisionwindows.com |
Anderson Plumbing Heating&Air,Inc | Plumbing Supplies/Services | 367 | www.andersonplumbingheating&air.com |
AT&T | Communications | 423 | Justin Unterseh Mktg, ju150a@att.com |
Backyard Banger | Outdoor Kitchen | 511 | www.bybanger.com |
Baker Home Energy | Home Builder | 770 | www.bakerhomeenergy.com |
Bath Fitter | Bathroom Products/Renovations | 664 | www.bathfitter.com |
Beauty and Beyond | Beauty Products | 616 | |
Big Bully Turf | Landscaping Services/Products | 343 | www.bigbullyturf.com |
Blue Haven Pools | Swimming Pools/Service | 754 | www.bluehaven.com |
Build Bros | Roofing / Solar / Windows | 420 | www.buildbrothersinc.com |
Bull Grills & Spas | Patio/ Outdoor Furnishings | 453 | www.carddine.com |
CA Deluxe Windows | Windows | 417 | www.cdwindows.com |
CA Elite Water | Water Purification | 315 | www.caelitewatersoftener.com |
CALbath Renovations | Bathroom Products/Renovations | 611 | www.calbath.com |
CC Patio La Jolla | Patio/ Outdoor Furnishings | 766 | www.patio.com |
CenturyStone Concrete Coatings | Concrete Coatings | 762 | www.centurystone.com |
Cherry Pools | Swimming Pools/Service | 569 | |
Clear Spectrum Windows | Windows & Doors | 607 | www.clearspectrumwindows.com |
Completed Home Improvement | Remodeling | 321 | www.completed-sd.com |
Culligan Water | Water Purification | 523 | www.culligan.com |
Cutco Cutlery | Knives | 409 | www.cutco.com |
DCU - Proline Concrete Tools | Concrete Seal/Coatings | 577 | www.prolinestamps.com |
Designer Window Supply | Windows & Doors | 308 | www.designerwindowsupply.com |
Develoscapes Landscape | Landscaping Services/Products | 372 | www.develoscapes.com |
Dreamabuild | Construction | 572 | www.dreamabuild.com |
Dreamstyle Remodeling | Remodeling | 718 | www.reborncabinets.com |
Eat Gather Love Kitchens Reimagined | Remodeling | 411 | www.eatgatherlove.com |
Eco Guard Pest Management | Pest Control Services | 608 | www.ecoguardpestmanagement.com |
Eco Home Builders | adu | 364 | www.ecohomebuildersinc.com |
Eco Spas | Spas | 674 | www.ecospas.com |
Elite Roof Services | Roofing | 760 | www.eliteroofservices.com |
Energy Star Home Remodeling | Remodeling | 370 | www.energystarhomeremodeling.com |
Evo Turf | Paving/Decking/Resurface | 461 | www.evoturfusa.com |
EvoScapes | Landscaping Services/Products | 620 | www.evoturfusa.com |
Farm Fresh to You | home food delivery | 758 | fwww.armfreshtoyou.com |
Floor Coverings International | Floor Coverings | 554 | |
Genesis Home Improvement | Remodelling, Roofing, Windows, Paint | 474 | www.genesishomeimprovementssd.com |
Global Synthetic Turf | Landscaping Services/Products | 618 | www.globalsynturf.com |
Green Room Design Build | Construction | 472 | www.greenroomdb.com |
Guthrie & Sons | Air Cond/Heating Services | 350 | www.guthrieandsons.com |
Heliogold Solar | Solar Energy | 20 | www.heliogold.com |
Helix Dreamscapes | Landscaping Services | 662 | |
Home Turf | Landscaping Services/Products | 419 | www.sdhometurf.com |
Hot Pink Painting | Paint/Products/Services | 305 | www.hotpinkpainting.com |
Hula Tropicals | Plants/Products/Services | 14 | |
Idel Designs, Inc. | Cabinet Makers | 755 | www.ideldesigns.com |
Janette Vong's Zen Essential Services | Bedding/Quilts/Pillows | 314 | |
Jimz-Gemz | Art/Art Dealers | 11 | www.jimzgemz.com |
JP Painting | Paint/Products/Services | 617 | www.jppaintingsd.com |
Kaminskiy Inc | Remodeling | 300 | www.kaminskiyhomeremodeling.com |
Kduffek Makes | Garden Product | 2 | |
Kris Nielesn Painting | Paint/Products/Services | 427 | www.krisnielsenpainting.com |
Lars Remodeling and Design | Remodeling | 414 | www.larsremodel.com |
Leaf Filter Gutter Protection | Gutter Installation/repair | 769 | www.leaffilter.com |
LifeSource Water Systems | Water Purification | 422 | www.lifesourcewater.com |
Luxury Bath of San Diego | Bathroom Renovations | 763 | www.americanbathroomremodelers.com |
Made in the Shade Temecula Valley | Window Coverings | 557 | www.madeintheshadetv.com |
Magestic Pools n Spas | Swimming Pools/ Service | 570 | www.majesticpools.net |
Marrokal Design & Remodeling | Remodeling | 400 | www.marrokal.com |
Mode Renovation LLC | Bathroom Renovations | 450 | www.moderenovation.com |
Modern Home Remodeling | Remodeling | 619 | www.modern-remodeling.com |
Modern Lightscapes | Lighting Outdoor | 711 | www.modernlightscapes.com |
My Green Home, Inc. | Whole House Fans | 756 | www.mygreenhomedesign.com |
Norwex | Cleaning Products | 307 | www.bonniemeelker.norwex.biz |
OMG Landscapes | Landscaping Services/Products | 311 | www.omglandscapes.com |
OneStop ADU | Construction | 626 | www.onestopadu.com |
Paint Green | Paint/Products/Services | 522 | www.paintgreen.com |
Patio Resort Lifestyles | Patio/ Outdoor Furnishings | 475 | www.patioresorts.com |
Personal Plumbing & Heating | Plumbing Supplies/Services | 467 | www.personalplumbingsandiego.com |
Phantom Screens | Screen Doors/Windows | 377 | www.screenmobile.com/elcajon |
Pre-Fab Innovations, Inc | Accessory Dwelling Units | 16 | www.prefabinnovations.com |
Precision General Contracting | Patio Covers | 753 | www.precisiongeneralcontracting.com |
Precision Landscape | Landscaping Services/Products | 650 | www.precisionlandscapeinc.com |
Premier Pools & Spas | Swimming Pools/Service | 405 | www.ppas.com |
Procoat Painting San Diego | Paint/Products/Services | 561 | www.procoatpaintingsandiego.com |
Proscapes By RHC | Landscaping Services/Products | 750 | www.proscapesbyrhc.com |
R K C Construction | Patio Covers | 355 | www.rkcconstruction.com |
Raiden Safe Defense | Persona Safety Products | 568 | www.raidensafedefense.com |
Rayne Water of San Diego | Water Purification | 672 | www.raynewater.com |
Real Home Security | Security, Home Automation | 319 | www.yourhomealarm.com |
Realm Home | Contractor Referral | 519 | www.realmhome.com |
Reborn Cabinets | Kitchen Cabinets | 719 | www.reborncabinets.com |
Redfern Enterprises | Home Accessories | 717 | www.redfernent.com |
Regal Concepts | Remodeling | 626 | www.regalconceptsanddesigns.com |
Remomerica | Remodeling | 673 | www.remomerica.com |
Renewal By Andersen of San Diego | Windows | 714 | www.rbasd.com |
Ritz ADU Builder | Accessory Dwelling Units, ADU | 407 | www.ritzadu.com |
Rock N Block Landscape | Landscaping Services/Products | 562 | www.rocknblocklandscape.com |
Roof Rejuvenate | Roofing | 303 | www.roofrejuvenatesd.com |
Sameday Heat and Air | Air Cond/Heating Services | 603 | www.samedaysd.com |
San Diego County Assessor | Services | 625 | www.sdarcc.com |
San Diego Epiphyllum Society | Garden Societies | 3 | www.epiphyllum.com |
San Diego Pools | Swimming Pools/Service | 768 | www.sandiego-pools.com |
San Diego Shutter Co | Window Coverings | 309 | www.sandiegoshutterco.com |
Scotblinds and Shutters | Window Coverings | 412 | www.scotblinds.com |
Screenmobile of El Cajon | Screen Doors/Windows | 376 | www.screenmobile.com/elcajon |
SD3D Landscape | Landscaping Services/Products | 771 | www.sd3dlandscape.com |
SDIS Biossun | Patio Covers | 357 | www.biossun.com |
Seal Team One | Concrete Seal/Coatings | 757 | www.sealteamone.net |
Select Home Improvements | Windows | 517 | www.selecthi.com |
Shelf Genie of San Marcos | Kitchen Cabinets | 361 | www.shelfgenie.com/locations/sanmarcos/ |
Shugarman’s Bath | Bathroom Renovations | 600 | www.shugarmansbath.com |
Smart Home Solutions | Security Systems/Services | 408 | www.automatedcontrols.net |
So Cal Chimney | Chimneys/Cleaning/Services | 759 | www.so-calchimneys.com |
SoCal Design Build | Remodeling | 550 | www.socalbuilds.com |
SoCal Driveway Pros | Concrete Seal/Coatings | 105 | www.socaldrivewaypros.com |
Solar Negotiators | Solar Energy | 669 | |
SolarTech Energy Systems Inc | Power/Solar | 304 | www.solartechonline.com |
Solatube | Skylights | 553 | www.homedaylight.com |
Soleil Communications/ Hyatt Vacation Club | ADU | 353 | www.welkresorts.com |
Superior Kitchen & Bath | Kitchen Renovation | 311 | www.superiorkb.com |
Superior Sleep Experience | Beds/Mattresses | 464 | www.supsleep.com |
Superior Water | Water Purification | 403 | www.superiorwater.com |
System Paving, Inc. | Interlocking Pavers/Stones/Brick | 518 | www.systempavers.com |
System Paving, Inc. | Interlocking Pavers/Stones/Brick | 605 | www.systempavers.com |
TLC Manufactured Homes | Tiny Homes | www.tlcpoway.net | |
Total Screen Co | Screen Doors/Windows | 723 | |
Tough Turtle Turf | Turf | 520 | www.toughturtleturf.com |
Trimlight San Diego | Lighting Outdoor | 564 | www.trimlightsandiego.com |
Tropicana Islands & Grills | BBQ Equipment/ Supplies | 653 | www.tropicanabbqs.com |
Tuff Shed | Storage Solutions | 574 | www.tuffshed.com |
UCCE Master Gardeners | Garden Societies | 7 | www.mastergardenersd.org |
Velux Skylight & Roof Windows | Windows | 101 | www.skylightpros.com |
Vibra Plate | Health Products | 250 | |
Vioscapes Garden Products | Landscaping Services/Products | 624 | www.vioscapes.com |
Wallbeds N More | Beds/Mattresses | 425 | www.wallbedsnmore.com |
Western Pavers | Interlocking Pavers/Stones/Brick | 317 | www.westernpavers.com |
Winning Ways LLC | Travel | 103 | www.winningwaysusa.com |
Zazzara Construction | Remodeling, Windows, Doors | 106 |
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